What We Do

The governing body is a group of parents, school staff and members of the local community, who work on a voluntary basis to support the strategic leadership of the school. Governors typically serve for four years.

Together with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership-team, we are responsible for making sure the school provides good quality education. We monitor the progress of children throughout their time at Lingfield Primary School.

  • We provide challenge and support to the Senior Leadership Team and hold the Headteacher to account for the achievement of the children.
  • We make decisions together on matters such as performance, targets, school policies and the school development plan.
  • We ensure the school has effective policies in a wide range of areas such as child welfare, health and safety, financial controls etc. We also monitor the impact of policies and oversee the school budget and staffing structure.
  • Learning Walks are a good way of helping us to understand how the school supports children's learning. We target a particular area and talk to the children, look at their books and the work on display around the school and in the classroom.
  • We try to be visible within school and play an active part in celebrating in the success of the children. We try hard to be a part of everyday school life and to find time to support school activities and events.


The Headteacher is responsible for the internal organisation, day to day management and control of the school. We are not expected to be routinely involved in the day to day activity of the school, our role is strategic and focuses on raising standards.

There is a full GB meeting once a term which all governors are expected to attend.  Additionally, governors are allocated to either the Resources Committee or Curriculum and Learning Committee dep[ending on their skill set.  Both committees also meet once a term.


Curriculum and Learning Committee Members

Lucy Longley                                                   
Sue Darney                                                    
Holly Barradell
James Kearns (designated safeguarding governor)


Resources Committee Members

Anne Graziano
Laura Plumadore

Both the Joint Chairs and the Headteacher attend both committee meetings.


Code of practice

This code sets out the expectations on the commitment required from governors in order for the governing body to properly carry out it's work within the school and the community.

For governing bodies to carry our their role effectively governors must:

  • Be committed to the role.
  • Know that all governors carry equal responsibility for decisions.
  • Have a duty to act fairly and without prejudice.
  • Consider carefully how our decisions may affect the community and other schools.
  • Be mindful of their responsibility to maintain and develop the ethos and reputation of our school.
  • Make or respond to criticism or complaints affecting the school by following the procedures established by the governing body.
  • Make full efforts to attend all meetings.
  • Get to know the school well and respond to opportunities to get involved in school activities.
  • Undertake relevant training.