Social Communication Groups

We run small social communication groups for children in KS1 and KS2.

They aim to support children to join in with small group activities. They provide structured opportunities for children which encourage them to become aware of other people, to make choices, to develop imitation skills and learn how to take turns. They can boost self-esteem, develop healthy, assertive behaviours and promote open dialogue between peers.

It is important for children to develop good social communication skills, as it is key for developing social relationships. It is also a vital skill for academic learning as many activities carried out in school rely on children working together in groups and communicating with their peers.

Some children can present with the following:

  • Difficulties remaining on topic during conversations
  • May not try to gain the attention of others this may be because they do not know how to
  • May gain the attention of others in an inappropriate manner
  • Struggle with personal space, may stand too close or too far from the speaker
  • Have difficulty telling stories in an organised manner
  • Struggle with eye contact, may look at the speaker too intensely or may not give eye contact at all
  • Control conversations and does not listen to the speaker
  • May not ask others to clarify when they haven't understood
  • Difficulties using and recognising body language
  • Difficulties recognising facial expressions and emotions
  • Difficulties recognising tone of voice
  • Limited language use, e.g. may only use their language to comment
  • Difficulties understanding other people’s point of view
  • Difficulties making and maintaining friends


Our social communication groups allow children to learn new skills and practise them with their peers in a safe environment through games and role play.

Social communication groups were originally devised by early years professionals, speech and language therapists and parents.