Information Platforms
In school, there is a vast amount of information that is recorded on multiple platforms.
Parents ask how information is used and stored in school and we hope that this provides a brief summary.
SIMS is a secure central school management information system that stores information such as family contact details, pupil attendance, real-time budget information, staff provision and suspension data. SIMS exports relevant information into both CPOMS and Insight
CPOMS is a secure Child Protection Online Management System. We use CPOMs to record safeguarding concerns, to record and monitor behaviour, to log mental health and welfare obersvations and to record conversations with professional agencies and parents/carers that relate to a child.
Insight is a secure pupil assessment system and enables the school to prepare data and evidence for progression across the Key Stages. It is used to record academic attainment and progress, in addition to individual and group provision for pupils in the school.
Medical Tracker is a secure platform that allows enables recording, tracking and management of injuries, illnesses, accident investigations, intimate care plans and medication administration.
SENSO monitors all messages, inspects images for visual threats and flags keyword algorithms. It has early detection software which monitors online pupil behavior to improve safety, while the classroom management products and IT tools are designed to enhance education and ensure children stay safe online.
School Gateway is used to manage parent payments, school dinners, clubs and trips.
Evolve is an online system for the planning, approval and management of educational visits. All school trips, whether a locality visit, a day trip or a residential, are submitted for approval by the local authority.
Trello is a web-based, kanban-style, list-making application developed by Atlassian. It is used by staff for professional development and for strategic planning.