
Uniform reflects a pride in the school and respect of the school rules. At Lingfield, all children must wear the correct uniform to adhere to the Home-School Agreement which all parents are asked to sign when they join.  Our uniform consists of:

  • White embroidered polo shirt *
  • Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan *
  • Grey trousers, grey shorts, grey skirts, grey pinafores, blue checked summer dresses
  • Safe, sensible black shoes or plain black trainers
  • Grey, black or white plain socks or tights
  • White P.E. t-shirt with house coloured logo *
  • Navy blue shorts, leggings or joggers for PE
  • School PE hoodies (only on PE days) *
  • School bag (EY/KS1) *

No child should be wearing any jewellery apart from simple stud earrings and a simple watch (smart watches are not permitted). In specific cases, a medical alert bracelet can be worn and this needs to be agreed with the school medical officer. Sunglasses cannot be used in school unless agreed with the school medical officer as part of a medical plan.

Long hair needs to be tied back at all times with a simple hair band.

Make-up should not be worn into school. This includes, but is not limited to, foundation, mascara, eyelash extensions and false/acrylic nails. 

For break and lunchtime, hats are permitted to be worn outside.

For PE, earrings must be removed in line with Surrey policy - they cannot be taped up. We advise that children wishing to have their ears pierced do this at the start of the summer holiday which gives the ears time to heal before school starts again in September.

To order uniform, please log into your School Gateway account and it will be delivered to your child’s class within 24-48 hours. 

Every Friday at 08.45 to 09.00, we hold a pre-loved uniform sale in the hall, accessed via the patio steps. A range of clothing is available for donations.

Thank you for supporting the school's ethos and upholding the school uniform policy.