British Values

At Lingfield Primary School, we promote British Values through our spiritual, moral, social and cultural education which is embedded within every part of our school curriculum. Our core values of respect, relationships and resilience are promoted by all staff members which support the children’s development in becoming respectful and responsible citizens.


Lingfield is a school that values the importance of pupil voice. Frequent school council meetings are held to allow children to discuss and address any issues or opinions from each class within school. Two school council representatives, from each year group, are elected through a voting system; they wear badges around school to signify their role. These representatives then enable school changes to take place based on the views of the children.

 Rule of Law

It is important that children have a clear understanding of the laws that govern our country. At Lingfield, this begins with rules within the classroom and rules for how we conduct ourselves appropriately in and around the school environment. This is a process that involves the children’s views which is then reinforced through effective modelling of behaviour from all staff within school. The children have a clear understanding about our laws and the reasons behind them. They are taught to understand that laws are put into place to protect us and that consequences are enforced if these laws are broken.

Individual Liberty

At Lingfield, we strive to ensure that children are taught necessary skills in order to become valued citizens. We believe in developing the leaders of tomorrow into independent and confident individuals to enable them to flourish within modern society. The children understand the rights they have as British citizens but also the responsibilities they have in order to fulfil these duties. We are also a school that supports others through charitable events such as Children in Need and Comic Relief/Red Nose Day. We believe that a caring and supportive environment broadens children’s understanding of global issues which therefore encourages them to become nurturing citizens.

Mutual Respect

As a values school, respect is at the heart of everything we believe in. Respect is shown consistently throughout our school and is part of everyday life at Lingfield. The children are respectful towards staff, regardless of their role within school, and are able to identify and comment on respect shown towards one another. We have strong links with the local church as well as local schools that hold sporting events and taster days.

Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs

As a school community, we ensure that all children are respected and valued equally regardless of ability, gender, faith, heritage or race. Our whole school assemblies allow us to explore the cultural diversity within the school. This provides an opportunity to educate others to enable them to have a deeper understanding of how one’s faith or beliefs links into their lives within the community in which they belong. We also provide an enriching Religious Education Curriculum that ensures children have a secure understanding of a range of different worldwide religions and faiths.