Welcome to Reception

As a school, we value the role of parents as primary educators in a child’s learning journey. Nothing compares to those early interactions between parent and child, be they: sharing a book, talking in the supermarket, baking together or playing a game. Our teachers will explain how the use of our online learning journal, Tapestry, enables meaningful links to continue between home and school once your child starts Reception.

Success in Early Years sets the precedent for each child’s development as they move further up the school. We want our Reception children to engender a love of learning through practical, hands on experiences and to be independent in using the inside and outside learning environment.

A typical Reception day

Please find below some general information about the school or if you have any questions about your child starting in September, please contact Robyn Gibb, Admissions, admissions@lingfield.surrey.sch.uk or telephone 01342 832626.


Parents must ensure that they contact Nicki Musonda (School Attendance Officer) by 9.15am on the first day of absence and every subsequent day their child is absent by calling the school office 01342 832626 or emailing absence@lingfield.surrey.sch.uk

Our Breakfast and After School Fun Club run every day. Breakfast club opens at 8:00am, with last arrivals at 8:30am. After School Fun Club runs from 3:15pm until 5:30pm.  For further details and to express and interest, please complete and return either...


Breakfast Club Registration Form inc Term and Conditions


ASFC Registration Form inc Terms and Conditions

For any information changes please email info@lingfield.surrey.sch.uk

School milk is an important part of a child’s diet. Milk provides a number of health benefits.  All children who are under 5 years old or are registered as pupil premium are eligible for free milk. If you are not entitled to free milk you can pay for your child to have it at school.  Please visit www.coolmilk.com to register your child to receive free milk or wish to pay.

You will have a home visit with your child's class teachers.  This will be arranged at the Reception Parents' Welcome Event in the Summer. These are a great opportunity for the school to build relationships with the whole family and form an important part of the transition into Reception. 

Where possible the need for medicines to be administered at school should be avoided, however, we understand that there are times this is unavoidable.  You will need to complete and sign a Medication Request form.  This will need to be given to a member of staff with the original container as dispensed by a Pharmacist and be clearly labelled. Parents must bring in any equipment required to administer the medicine e.g. medicine spoons, oral syringes. 



Non-prescription medications, including cough sweets, are not to be brought into school.

If your child has an Inhaler, please complete and sign an Inhaler Request form and give to a member of staff in its original container as dispensed by a Pharmacist, with the label on.  Please also bring in their Asthma Treatment Plan so that we can keep a copy at school. This inhaler, along with a spacer, can be left at school for your child to use.

Children in Reception will not need a PE kit until after the October half term. We will inform all parents, via the school app, which days this will be on and which house they are in. Children will need to come into school that day wearing their PE kit. This consists of a white PE T-Shirt (with their house colour logo), navy blue shorts or tracksuit bottoms and a school sweatshirt or hoodie. Our school houses are: Ash, Beech, Oak and Yew. 


Earrings need to be removed for PE. Surrey’s guidance stipulates children must not put tape around the piercing nor are teachers allowed to help remove them. We encouraged children to learn how to remove earrings themselves or ask parents to remove them before the start of the day. Children will not be able to take part in the practical lessons if they are still wearing their earrings.

We recommend a good time to get ears pierced is at the beginning of the summer holidays so the ear is sufficiently healed to allow earrings to be removed in September.

Starting Reception is a very exciting time for you and your child. As a team, we will endeavour to make this as special and enjoyable as possible.  Whilst dropping off your child, members of the team are always on hand should you need a brief chat or help settling your child.

When your child starts school it is natural for them to have some fears and anxieties about saying goodbye.  Helping your child get past their fears will go a long way towards encouraging healthy separations. 

  • Treat departures in a matter of fact way.  Say “I love you and I will see you after nursery”, give them a hug, kiss and leave.  It will send them a message that you feel comfortable with their key person and that they can be comfortable too.
  • If you apologise for leaving it can convey the message that you are doing something for which you want your child’s forgiveness.  It is better to say a positive goodbye.
  • If you ask your child’s permission to depart it gives your child more power than they need or can use.  Tell them you are leaving now and you will see them at the end of nursery.
  • It is best to say goodbye rather than slipping away.  Although disappearing may help avoid a scene today it may jeopardise your child’s trust in you and the nursery staff, causing difficult goodbyes in the future.
  • Try and be patient if your child acts out when you are reunited.  The longer you are gone, the harder it is for your child to hold themselves together.  Once reunited they will feel safe enough to let out a day’s worth of emotions all at once.  Acknowledge their feelings and tell them they have been missed.

Children will have a staggered timetable for the first few weeks to ensure their transition is as smooth as possible.  This will be given at the Parents' Welcome Event  in the Summer and available in the Reception pack. 

Our school meals are provided by Radish Catering. Each dish is prepared on site using fresh, local produce. Our home cooked meals meet the required national nutritional standards.  We will ask your menu choices once your child has started with us, however if you have any queries about meals, please contact Clair Gollop, finance@lingfield.surrey.sch.uk

Tapestry is an easy-to-use, secure online learning journal which enables staff and families to capture, share and celebrate each child's  individual achievements and milestones. Learning and progress is documented through photos and videos and an ongoing dialogue between home and school.  Please give consent via the School Gateway app to use this system.

Check out their website for tutorials and guides on how to maximise the online platform.  

These can be found by clicking here

These are the things your child will need to bring to school with them most days:

· Named school and PE uniform

· Named water bottle/lunchbox

· Named book bag (to take their work home in)

· Shoes (named) that your child can manage by themselves (e.g. Velcro – no laces)

· Sunhat (named) for sunny days

· Sun cream already applied on sunny days

· Warm coat (named) for colder days

· Warm hat and gloves (named) for cooler days

· Spare clothes (named) in case of accidents

· Named rain coat on warmer days when rain is predicted

Uniform reflects a pride in the school and respect of the school rules. When your child starts in reception they will need the following items of uniform:

  • White embroidered polo shirt *
  • Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan *
  • Grey trousers or shorts
  • Grey pinafore, skirt or blue checked summer dresses
  • Safe, sensible black shoes
  • Grey, black or white plain socks or tights
  • Book bag *
  • White P.E. t-shirt * (not needed for the first term in Reception)
  • Navy shorts (not needed for the first term in Reception)
  • P.E. bag * (not needed for the first term in Reception)

Please ensure all clothing/shoes and bags are clearly labelled as it is easier to find if the item becomes lost.


* Available to order from the school through School Gateway app. Please allow 48hrs for orders to be processed. 

 Prior to starting the school, you will receive a phone call to say when your order is ready and available to collect  If you have to change sizes then any returns will be quarantined for 72 hours.  Uniform will not be able to collected during the school holidays but we will endeavour to do it as soon as possible when we return.