
Activity Clubs

Here at Lingfield we offer a wide range of extra-curricular activity and sports clubs for children of all abilities from Reception (Spring term) to Year 6.  These include cooking, dance, multi-skills, netball, racket sports, art, football, fitness, music, hockey, rounders, choir, band, running, drama, cricket, athletics and gardening.


Frequently Asked Questions

How will I find out which clubs are available?

A message will be sent out on the school app to inform parents about the clubs available to each year group.  Parents will then need to be book the chosen club(s) via their School Gateway app.


Where should I collect my child from when their club has finished?

The collection point for all clubs will be detailed when we send out the booking information.


How do I know if my child’s club has been cancelled?

Where we know in advance that a club will need to be cancelled (i.e. Parents’ Evenings), your child will be informed by the club organiser the week before.

In the case of bad weather, it is usual for the children to remain at school until the finish time for the club. 

Occasionally, it may occur that we have to send children home, in which case we will send a message out using the school app.  



"I like learning new languages" - Charlie, Y6


I really liked that all the things we did [in Art club] were fun and exciting.” Lilah


 “My favourite piece of craft was when we made the hand doodle because I got to use lots of different patterns.” Lewis


 “The reason why football club is really good is because we do quick training and 5-10 minute matches at the end.  There are also tournaments for year 5 and 6 boys and the same for girls.  They sometimes do year 3 and 4 tournaments.” Tom & Emily