Educational Visits

Educational visits are activities arranged by, or on behalf of, our school, which require pupils to leave the school premises, having been authorised to do so by the headteacher or the LA if required.

Educational visits are a valuable way to supplement and enhance the curriculum, expand pupils’ education and provide enriching social and cultural experiences, teach life skills and promote independent learning, provide a foundation for lifelong learning, and form an integral part of our approach to furthering our pupils’ education and personal growth.

We welcome visitors in to the school, such as amazing Animals in Nuresry, Rockman and Little Angels in Y3, ZoolLab in Y5 and First Aid Training in Y6.

Educational visits do vary from year-to-year - the examples below provide a flavour of the type of trips the children go on:

EYFS: Nursery to Chequer-Mead Theatre; Reception to the fire station and the British Wildlife Centre 

KS1: Y1 to Herstmonceaux and Hever Castle; Y2 to Drusillas and Wakehurst Place

Lower KS2: Y3 have a number of visitors into school; Y4 on a residential near Chichester 

Upper KS2: Y5 to Butser Farm; Y6 on a residential to High Ashurst